Alison Jordan

Alison originally pursued a career in law. Graduating from Exeter University in 2001 she entered the criminal law arena and remained there for 12 years holding a frontline advocacy role. In 2012 Alison felt a change in career was in order and left law to undertake a Masters degree in Business Management.

Alison's qualifications include LLB (Hons) in Law and MSc in International Business Management.

Alison is our CEO and front line support. Contact her if you want to talk about: 

  • Operations
  • ASIST & SuicideTALK training
  • Suicide Bereavement Support
  • Grief RecoveryReferrals 
  • Training or information Sessions for your organization

Pete was my little brother - I founded Pete's Dragons along with Ditsy Dragon (I say it was her idea, she says it was mine) on the day that I was informed of Pete's death. Ditsy and I decided that day to cycle Lands End to Twickenham in four days to raise money for the Search and Rescue Teams.

But that was all we decided. It was to be a one off. We never anticipated that each year someone else would come forward with another crazy challenge because they wanted to support Pete's Dragons. In 2014 something changed - we grew fast and gained a large amount of Dragons who made it clear they were here to stay. We had to make a decision, go big or go home? We decided to go big! Enter charitable status, two more trustees, a full calendar and our own projects directly helping those bereaved by suicide.

Pete's Dragons is my inspiration and passion, I meet incredible people willing to go the extra mile, put themselves out, challenge themselves and dedicate huge amounts of time and effort to raise valuable pennies to help others. It reminds me daily of what is important and what can be achieved if you set your mind to it. I am so, so proud of what the Dragons have achieved, I look forward to what we will achieve in the future but most importantly for me personally is that Pete's Dragons is such a wonderful positive creation from such a devastating and traumatic event. I know that Pete smiles on us every day.


Dragon Achievements

Cycling Lands End to Twickenham - 2011

15,000ft Skydive - September 2014
ASIST Trained - 2015

Certified Grief Recovery Specialist - September 2016
Child Bereavement Trained - Balloons - March 2016

PABBS (Suicide Bereavement Training) - Feb 2016

Safeguarding children - May 2015

Member of the Institute of Fundraising

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) - June 2016

Qualified ASIST and SuicideTALK trainer - November 2015

Qualified SafeTALK trainer July 2017